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Booster Foundation Annual Review 2024

The Booster Foundation is off to a roaring start with five partnerships that are already improving the financial capability of different communities around Aotearoa New Zealand.  



The Booster Foundation supports our partners to design and deliver programmes that are aimed at meeting specific needs in communities.

The Foundation’s inaugural Annual Review (2023-2024) demonstrates how these tailor-made approaches are making a difference in growing Kiwis’ financial resilience.

  • Tamariki at a Te Waha o Rerekohu Area School in Tairāwhiti are learning the basics about money and saving, including KiwiSaver, to set them on a lifelong path of being curious and confident with money.
  • Pasifika youth in South Auckland are learning financial skills like budgeting, saving, understanding debt and spending habits, as well what KiwiSaver is all about with Life Smarts 90% of participants reported they felt either very confident or confident managing their money compared to 27% at the start of the programme.
  • A free, online finance education platform “My Money Kete” is helping hundreds of people learn about personal finance through videos, social media posts, and step-by-step guides including budgeting tools, savings tips and ways to manage debt.
  • Prospective homeowners in the Taitoko (Levin) area preparing to take the leap into home ownership, will learn financial education in a tikanga Māori framework that recognises the legacy of wealth and future generations.
  • In Rotorua small and medium Māori businesses are building their financial skills and getting ‘loan ready’ as they connect with ‘Koha Lenders’ for capital to grow their businesses.

The Booster Foundation is delighted to see these programmes take flight.

“It’s exciting to see the impact these initiatives are already having, and the best part is it’s only going to grow,” says Booster Foundation Chief Executive Anika Speedy.

“All of these programmes have potential to be scaled up for greater impact. The Foundation is looking to grow the financial resilience in communities in Aotearoa who can benefit from the kind of financial education the Foundation is enabling.”   


Find out more about the Booster Foundation or read the Foundation’s full Annual Review.