Te Whenua Group
Case Study
Home ownership financial education in Horowhenua
Unaffordable housing is pushing more than 300,000 New Zealanders into substandard housing (Housing Quality Census Data 2018) with Māori disproportionately affected by housing instability, with a significant portion moving frequently due to rental circumstances.
Te Whenua Group (TWG), based in the whenua of Taitoko (Levin), seeks to address these disparities by providing a stable foundation for home ownership, which is pivotal for financial security and community resilience.
The Booster Foundation is supporting TWG to develop its ‘He Whare Tōnui’ pilot programme to empower participants with financial education and home ownership skills, within a tikanga Māori framework.

Kushla Okano, Kaiwhakahaere Matua/Founder of Te Whenua Group, says “Our collaboration with the Booster Foundation is a significant leap towards realising our vision of empowering our communities.
By intertwining financial literacy with te ao Māori values, we’re not just educating; we’re nurturing a financially savvy generation rooted in their cultural identity.
So, this programme is more than a pathway to home ownership; it’s a journey towards securing a legacy of wealth and resilience for future generations.”
“When you were talking about the mauri on money, that really jumped out at me. I thought I was really good with money but some things I do, I don’t know why I do them, or I do them because it’s what is expected of me. I’m too whakama to tell my whanau that I can’t afford it”
- Participant

The programme is set to launch in late 2024 and Kushla says feedback shows there is demand for the programme.
"I’m working on a goal of owning my own home. Sometimes I make silly mistakes like using my Afterpay to pay for little things when I forget my card, I’d like to learn ways to stop doing things like that.”
- Lizzy
"I just really need to know these things. We’re just looking for that step that will help us into our goal of having our own home for our babies....”
If you'd like to find out more visit Te Whenua Group.

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